Nourish Yourself with Healing Foods

Pre & Post - Natal Nutrition

Before conception, during pregnancy, and into the postpartum period (known as the fourth trimester), balanced nutrition is key for both mama and baby. Prepare yourself from fertility to rebuilding from delivering baby with guidance for nourishing you and your growing baby through all stages of pregnancy through postpartum.

Fertility Nutrition & Preconception

We all know the juggling act it can be to balance hormones. It is a delicate dance between all systems of the body and the way we prepare for pregnancy matters when it comes to nutrition. Additionally, there are many ancient womb care strategies that have been used for millennia to aid in conception that can be explored. Just as it takes fertile soil to grow a garden, preconception is like  tending to the inner terrain of the garden of the womb.  This, along with preparing the seeds from both partners can then allow for the garden of the womb to flourish with life. Let me guide you through preconception preparation to create a well nourished environment to support and grow your baby.


Food Intolerances

Life can throw us a curve ball when we have things that look good that we really want to eat, but that don’t make us feel great. Getting to know your body and understanding which foods are triggers for you is a great start to discovering a new way to eat. When we can’t eat something we love we can feel deprived. Dive into how your body feels with step by step guidance on food swaps and navigating life without your trigger foods.

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Gut Health

Reboot your gut for your best health. In Funcional Nutrition we aim to “clear the muddy waters”. Most of what ails us whether its from skin issues to insomnia can be relieved when the health of the gut is in tact. The health of the gut is especially important if your desire is to become pregnant. Get your gut health in check with personalized support and get started with your complimentary 30 minute consultation.