Get Your FREE Guide To Digestive Health For Optimal Hormone Balance & Fertility- download HERE


“We can reclaim the wisdom of the menstrual cycle by tuning in to our cyclic nature and celebrating it as a source of our female power”

– Christiane Northrup, MD, Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Functional Wellness for aligned fertility and conscious pre-conception.

                                                    I am currently taking new clients

Functional Nutrition/ HOlistic perinatal work

Through the avenues of Functional Nutrition & Ayurveda, I utilize an individual approach for women and couples during the pre-conception period using food as medicine and fertility awareness.

Yoga & Meditation

Inward work is equally as important as working out. Movement is essential to keeping the body healthy, supple and strong as is the ability to settle the mind, work with the breath and go inwards to listen deeply to our inner intuition.

Birth Preparation

If you are pregnant and want info on how to have an empowered birth click here to watch Corinne Brown’s FREE Love Your Labour webinar.

Work With Me

When thinking about growing your family, it is important to have a healthy start for optimal fertility, healthy pregnancy and birth and a supported postpartum. I am passionate about women’s health and all aspects of the physical body, mind, and consciousness and how everything in our cosmic bodies connects, especially when it comes to fertility, birth, and postpartum.

Connect with me

“If we could just learn to listen more closely to the wisdom of our bodies, perhaps we could recognize better what is and isn’t working in our lives, and we could jettison the activities that don’t pass our bodies’ tests.”

Dr. Claudia Welch