My Story

I have always been interested in Women’s Health using natural and holistic measures as well as using food as medicine. I am a Holistic Perinatal Consultant, Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor and 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher.
Before committing to diving into Yoga more fully, studying nutrition and perinatal health, I had been facing painful periods and felt very out of balance. In 2014 I was diagnosed with endometriosis after several ultrasounds revealed I had an unusually large cyst on one of my ovaries. This then led to  a laparoscopic surgery to remove an 11 cm cyst from my left ovary and a smaller 4.5 cm cyst from my right ovary. It was a huge wake up call! I had experienced very heavy periods, digestive issues, weight gain, hair loss, and general malaise for several years. After the surgery, my surgeon said “just get pregnant right away, that will cure the endometriosis”.

While I was concerned about my ability to become pregnant, the timing for my husband and I to begin a family was not ideal. So, I began to do some research of my own on how to naturally manage and treat my endometriosis diagnosis. I was not interested in taking prescription medication to mask the symptoms and put a band aid on the deep underlying issue – hormonal imbalance and digestive concerns.

By 2015 I had a better understanding of endometriosis and I was able to keep my symptoms at bay with simple diet and lifestyle adjustments. I was taking much better care of myself, but I still was dealing with some digestive issues that I later identified as candida overgrowth and leaky gut.

In 2016 I conceived with our first child. We were over the moon! I was still having issues with my digestion during the pregnancy but I continued to eat well, maintained my yoga practice and kept my stress down. Sadly, in August of 2016 we found out that our son had passed away at around 22 weeks. The loss of our baby was devastating. This was the fist grandchild on my side of the family, and our first child.

We grieved (and continue to grieve) and felt terrified to try again for another child for another two years. During this time I made some really significant shifts in my life. I removed highly inflammatory foods from my diet, I cleansed my body, did two panchakarma (an Ayurvedic cleansing protocol to address my imbalance) over the two years. My spirit had been damaged, but not broken and my body was feeling more nourished than it had in a long time.

By 2018 I felt like I was ready to try again. We conceived right away and in June 2019 I birthed our son naturally, with no interventions. The natural birth was exhilarating and I was incredibly proud of myself. I felt so connected to the many mothers who had done this years beyond years before me. Natural birth is very exhilarating! I had such an enjoyable birthing experience, it created a fire in me to want to share Corinne’s birthing preparation program with anyone who would like to learn!

I also have been deeply motivated by my shifts with my own health that when I began healing myself, it created this desire to help others heal too. My craving to learn more drove me to want to study functional nutrition and become a counselor and to eventually  focus my practice on  women’s health. More specifically – the realm of fertility and preconception, pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum.

True health is knowing how to treat one’s own unique blueprint with specific focus on individuality. This includes nurturing ourselves from the inside out,  caring for the mind/body connection and, doing just as much work “in” as work ”out” to stimulate and balance the endocrine and reproductive system. Caring for the digestive system daily and creating harmony in the body before growing a baby inside of you is deep work, hard work, but necessary work. Something that I am so grateful to be able to provide to my clients. I use a combination of yoga, pranayama, and meditation, functional nutrition and basic Ayurvedic lifestyle practices to bring the mind/body into your own unique state of balance – to have a blissful pregnancy and postpartum experience.

From preconception, through pregnancy and postpartum, let me be your guide to the healthiest version of you!

In Health,


Credentials & Certifications

2004 Manhattanville College, BA, Photography

2011-2012 YogaNow 200 hour Teacher Training Apprenticeship Program, Meta Hirschl, Aparna Levine, Cypress Emory, Valerie Berg

2012 Body Balance Yoga, Chakra Workshop Series, Aparna Levine

2012-2013 YogaNow 300 hour Teacher Training Apprenticeship Program, Meta Hirschl

2014 Body Balance Yoga, Thai Yoga Workshop, Moriah Arnold

2015 The Nature of Yoga Retreat, Pam Hong & Misa Romero

2016 Grassroots Yoga, 40 hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Joe Barnett

2016 Grassroots Yoga, Handstand Workshop, Erin Hansbrough

2017 Bhava Yoga, Thai Yoga Assists Workshop, Keisha Wixom

2017 The Ayurvedic Institute, Creating Blissful Places: Using Vastu Shastra, the Vedic Science of Architecture, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc

2018 The Ayurvedic Institute, Ayurvedic Art of Reading the Face, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc

2018 The Ayurvedic Institute, Ayurvedic First Aid & Pain Management, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc

2019 The Ayurvedic Institute, Top Secrets of Pranayana: An Ancient Art of Blissful Living, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc

2021 Functional Nutrition Alliance, Functional Nutrition Counselor Certification, Andrea Nakayama, CNC, CNE, CHHC, FNLP

2022 School of Holistic Perinatal Wisdom, Holistic Perinatal Consultant, Sunny Rose Healey, C.Ay & Rebeka Rose, midwife

It is with great respect and passion to always continue learning from an array of teachers and mentors. As I continue my path in this healing field, I am committed to staying involved in learning and plan to take the advanced program with Andrea Nakayama for Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner in 2022. I am accredited under the Board of Drugless Practitioners and I am diligently committed to ethical standards within my practice. I use non-violent communication as learned from the first Yoga Teacher Training program I completed, and am dedicated to creating a safe environment for anyone and everyone regardless of how your family is structured or in whichever way your identify. I am authentically committed to support any and all beings with whom seek my assistance and guidance.  It is important for me to stay in regular contact with my mentors and teachers to maintain the integrity of what I’m offering to you as my client. It is deeply inspiring to work with and help women on their healing path and I feel invigorated to spread this amazing knowledge to anyone ready to take on their best health. I look forward to working with you and serving you.